How To Use Your 4in1 Stick
The Answers You Need for - iPhone | Android | PC | Mac | TV

1. Download the Y Disk App from from the App Store
2. Insert the USB stick in to the slot on your device using the apple connection on the 4in1 stick)
3. The 'Y Disk App' automatically recognises the USB drive and opens it giving you access to it's contents
1. Download the File Manager Plus App from the Play Store
2. Insert the USB stick in to the slot on your device (using the appropriate Android connection on the 4in1 stick)
3. Open 'File Manger Plus App' and choose 'Sam Smith' this gives you access to your purchase
4. If this doesn't work for you: search apps for 'Files' open this folder and click on 'Flash Drive'
1. Insert the USB stick in to the USB slot on your PC or opn the USB Hub connected to your PC (using the appropriate Android connection on the 4in1 stick)
2. The PC recognises the USB stick and opens it automatically giving you access to it's content.
1. Insert the USB stick in to the USB slot on your Mac or the USB Hub connected to your Mac (using the appropriate Android connection on the 4in1 stick)
2. The Mac recognises the USB stick and loads it on to your desktop where you can open it and access the content.
1. Insert the USB stick in to the USB slot on your TV (using the appropriate Android connection on the 4in1 stick)
2. If your TV does not automatically open the stick go to input settings and choose USB.
3. The Videos and Music will play on your Smart TV